Friday, May 30, 2014

Issue 347 Electronic tyranny May 30, 2014

Electronics dominate our world.  But they have become intrusive in respect that anyone can track you down on a moment’s notice.  Well, to better explain let's review.

Knowing where you are:  Right now, our cell phones have GPS technology in them.  As such, a phone company can tell exactly where you are and when you were there in the first place.  But now that technology is expanding into your car and other systems you move about with or take with you.  So a company like Ford with its new black box technology will be able to know where your car is at any time due to it being hooked up to the internet.  But to top it all off, they will know also, where you live, how you drive, the rout you take and such even if you leave your cell phone behind.  Even worse, even if you do not take any electronic equipment with tracking software with you, cameras located on public and private buildings hooked to the internet can easily find you.   This is because, newer more capable facial recognition software is slowly coming online.

What you buy:  Well your credit and debit card information is also not secure.  They can tell what you have bought with these payment methods to find out what you are interested in and what you buy on a regular basis.  Those membership cards also do this in a similar manner, but remove the actual payment from the transaction.  This allows businesses to gather large sums of data on their customers to push coupons on them that they may use to buy other items.

What you like:  Did you look at the advertisements on the last internet site you visited?  All the ads are based upon your past visits and searches on the web.  It is because they are trying to get you to go to buy something from the website because it thinks you’re interested in it.  Likewise television is no better.  The satellite and cabal companies know exactly what channel you are watching, at what time and for how long.  So much so that they know what television shows you watch? It is only a matter of time before the ads on your TV mimic how they are applied to websites on the internet.

In your home:  More recent technology is the smart home concept, which combines security systems and the ability to control any and all appliances in your home.  So now they know what your preferred thermostat temperature is, when you do the dishes and other house hold chores and even when you flush the toilet.  This even lets them know what location you are in the house and when.  Very intrusive is it not?

Conclusion:  Technology can benefit everyone, but it came at the cost of privacy.  We have none in our own homes anymore and this trend seems like it is going to continue.  They know if you have children, are dating and more just by looking at all this data that they can collect on us and even sell to each other in packages. Soon they may even be able to control the very homes we live in as well "for our own good".  It is all creepy and that is what I am trying to convey to you. It is all disturbing to be watched and raising awareness is the only thing I as a writer can do to try and stave off or find a solution to what looks like a potentially dangerous problem.

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