Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Issue 349 Parental rights: responsible for what? June 3, 2014

Our parents do a lot for us.  They feed us, clothe us, and raise us.  However, this means they have very specific responsibilities in two key areas of our life before we are old enough to move out on our own.  Let's discuss them.

Education:  Parents are the sole providers of education.  This includes basic reading, writing and arithmetic (math), cultural/societal training, and religious education.  Parents have sole responsibility over these areas.  If they cannot do it alone then they enlist help from schools and institutions to insure that we do get this education. But, even if they give some of that responsibility away, they are still responsible for insuring that the education their child receives stays true to the family values the parents want to impart.  If said education fails to provide all of what is needed, then the parents supplant it in whatever ways they see fit to ensure the total core of what they believe is required for their child to know is imparted.  If the educators they hire do not teach the values that parents want, then parents by obligation must either shift their child out of that education system to protect them, or find a way to counter the unproductive narrative of the education their child is receiving.  First and foremost, parents should always have the opt in clause given to them by any education institution, whether that be to use their services or to attend specific lessons and classes.  A parent has sole right to this field and it should not be infringed.

 Health:  Just like education, a child's health, until the child is of age, is under the sole authority of the parents.  They make any decision on who treats their children, to how the treatments are to be carried out.  Parents can adjust how their children are treated by healthcare professionals based upon fear of harm, alternative solutions that parents believe are better, and even meeting certain religious ethics.  In this, parents rights again should not be infringed as the parents are just that the parents.  Their child is theirs and theirs alone, and no one has a say on how to raise another person’s children.

Conclusion:  First and foremost, this is not a lecture to parents.  They in general know their responsibilities.  This issue is geared toward young people like me who have yet to have children.  It is a reminder that raising a child is about more than playing catch and the main rights and responsibilities a parent has outside of giving birth and letting the child live in your home.  Also, there are some parents who are content just letting others do their job for them as well.  They looked for an out from their responsibilities for parenting by giving all responsibilities to the public education system, and to doctors who your child has no affection, or feelings for.  Thus, a relationship like that is cold and unfeeling which I believe results in a child that is distant and cannot connect with the parents on the most basic of levels (love).  So this is for them.  Those who have yet to raise a child, and to let parents look and evaluate themselves to see if they feel they are doing enough.  God Bless all the parents and future parents in the world, for they hold the future in their hands.

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