Thursday, June 12, 2014

Issue 356 Intolerance June 12, 2014

Intolerance is pretty much a bad thing.  It means that, from the standpoint of an individual, that the person will not tolerate something.  Many of the Liberal and Conservative members of the American community however, preach tolerance.  In short, they ask why we don't we all just get along with one another.  However, judgments are made by people on what they see as tolerant or in tolerant.  So this judgment call is what I will discuss today.

Example:  An example of intolerance can come from racial groups like the KKK and the Neo Nazi's.  They do not like Black Americans or anyone whose skin is darker than themselves.  So KKK members will burn crosses on Black Americans' lawns, Neo Nazi's will assault people, and both overall will attempt to make life as uncomfortable as possible for those of another "race." This is an obvious example of intolerance.

Now a different example.  A person who is a Black American, has a prescription from a doctor for narcotics.  However, that prescription comes from a doctor who works in an area where both legal and illegal drugs are abused.  On top of this, the individual in question is filling at a different pharmacy in a completely different town.  Is refusing the script while just knowing these details racist/intolerant?  Well it depends on who you ask.  Some may say that it is due to the individual with the prescription being Black.  But if you take the skin color angle out, would that influence your decision toward filling a prescription that is suspect?  This is actually a real life scenario that happened to a pharmacist I know and as to the rest of what happened in this case I cannot tell you, but this is actually an example of tolerance.  If the script was rejected merely because the person filling was black, that would be both racist and intolerant, however the other details that were checked and factored in (regardless of the race of the individual) make it tolerant.  Long story short, we don't care about your skin color, if it’s a legitimate prescription, get it from a legitimate doctor.

Example 2:  There is a major issue of gay marriage currently going on in America currently (or at least it is being hyped up).  But there are people like the KKK, and other intolerant groups who assault gays and other same sex couples.  Obviously this is intolerant.  But what about the Churches rejection of gay marriage.  Is this intolerant?  In this case it is fully tolerant.  The Churches (at least the majority I know of) do not ban gays from their Churches, do not make them uncomfortable, and the clergy and congregation have gay friends.  So they are in fact 100% tolerant (with few exceptions).  But why no gay marriage?  Simple, their faith does not believe in marriage between two people of the same sex, because God does not permit it as per the Bible and you cannot create a child the natural way (i.e. the miracle of life).  This is the reason why.  It has nothing to do with the church hating gays, but that faith says no to gay marriage.  In short, due to these reasons the Church is tolerant.  However, there are those who disagree and say it is not tolerant.  Thus my point, that people make judgment calls.  Thus while people are in general tolerant, they are intolerant of that which they perceive as going against their values and that which does not to conform to those values.

Conclusion:  Intolerance is a curse we live with.  We tolerate what we want and shun the rest due to not conforming to our values and predetermined notions of what life should be like. This is because intolerance, I believe, comes from fear of change.  That is why every group, race, religion and all in between have been subject to intolerance.  It is the fear of what will be different.  Once we recognize this, and accept (not just tolerate) change, we can move forward together. 

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