Monday, June 9, 2014

Issue 353 Can Cyborgs Vote?! June 9, 2014

OK, here is part two of the articles based on the show Futurescape with James Woods.  Here we look at if cyborgs can still vote as people during an election.  You are asking why aren't you?  We looked at last week to try to figure out if they are still human, but that is not the end of the solution with the factor of being an eligible voter. So I’ll go down the list of concerns.

Licensing:  Some people with implants, prosthetics or people who are cyberized may not own the parts that are hooked up to them.  Instead, a prosthetic limb, an implant for a disabled person may be still owned by the original distributor/manufacture of the company.  In short, the mechanical components are being rented.  So can these individuals be considered eligible if they do not even own the mechanical parts that have replaced or augmented their original bodies?  Also, can't these people have their votes corrupted by the companies that own these parts do to threats of reclaiming them, or sticking their families with a hefty bills after they pass on for the parts themselves.

Hacking:  What’s more is that these parts are mechanical and most likely will be run by computers.  As such they can be hacked.  So a clever hacker can make the individual, by force, vote a specific way.  It gets even creepier with those who have brain implants or partial brain replacement as a hacker can hack into the persons brain itself to control them to vote a certain way.  Lest we also not forget that hackers can in this instance threaten people to make them commit suicide (really murder) by controlling them or even a loved one with a cyber-implant/mechanical parts.  This is a very disturbing reality.

Total brain replacement:  Just like with the last article, can a person who no longer has their original brain still vote, for it goes to question if they are merely acting on a pre-programmed impulse.  So, in the same way we can question if this person is human, we can question why they are voting in the manner they are.

Conclusion:  For licensing, the laws can be amended where a person has a right to any and all parts of their body, whether they be a replacement or augmentation.  As such any form of threat of coercion will also be dealt with by the law in the same manner as any blackmail or similar case.  So in the Licensing scenario, they as people should be allowed to vote.  In scenario two with respect to hacking, the individual is not responsible for the crimes of others.  So a hacker taking control of cyberized person, or threatening another is not grounds for the exclusion for a person to vote.  Instead the hacker must and always be punished in this case.  Finally, scenario three with its total brain replacement.  Here it still comes down to if the individual can be proven to still have independent thought and personality over just becoming a pre-programmed machine.  Until that is answered, I don't think anyone can be sure if these people are human, let alone vote.  Yes there may be other scenarios where we can question if these individuals who we can classify as cyborgs are eligible to vote.  But, I will leave that to you my dear readers to ponder.  Enjoy racking and wrapping your brains over this very likely future issue of the United States and other countries around the world.

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