Thursday, April 7, 2016

Carson's CDC Special teams

 Ben Carson former Presidential Candidate and retired Neurosurgeon suggested that the CDC should create special teams to deal with potential infectious diseases.  A concept that I am very interested in.  But what would it entail?  

In this case the CDC would do more than just monitor diseases, and instead take an active role in the fight (assuming they don't already do).  I am guessing, as details were not given on the subject by Carson, that the CDC would have teams that study where each disease comes from, how it contaminates people and at the first sign of its encroachment on the United States will have the team go out and lock down all people exposed.  Then they would have the power probably to lock down travel and use the National Guard to help in case the outbreak gets out of hand.   Other members of the team would go to the diseases country of origin (and others potentially infected and attempt to eradicate the source of infection before it gets to pandemic levels by eliminating carrier animals like mosquitos, or to inoculate people around the infected and provide proper isolation and decontamination procedures (even posing as magicians for those indigenous people who reject science and view diseases as demons or cursus).  Basically they could wipe out a contagious/infectious disease potentially at the very first sign of it infecting someone.

Conclusion:  This idea is worth investigating further as this is something that other countries could copy and support.  Also, it provides a means to study diseases up close in their environment of origin and to hopefully make these deadly diseases as non-life threatening as the common cold.  As to how much a role other agencies like the National Guard and the army will take (they have a system in place to prevent a pandemic) remains to be seen if this idea goes forward. 

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