Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dealing with Islamic Sharia Terrorists

So ISIS/ISIL has claimed responsibility for a number of terror attacks including the Brussels attack.  Now there are calls for racial, religious and ethnic profiling.  Some say this is a bad thing. While others say we got no choice.  But I have a slightly different view.

Now I agree that profiling must be done.  I want ethnic, racial, religious and even ideological profiling, but these should be the final filter after profiling people by other means.  In other words, profile people based on spending habits, is what they buy something that is or can be used to make a weapon?  If they go out of country, is that country a supporter of terrorism?  See who buys that one way trip, and how much luggage they are carrying.  See how they dress, is it something that can conceal a weapon or a bomb?  Is that person or persons acting more nervous than normal?  After answering these questions and more, then you look into Race, religion, ethnicity and ideological views to be the final lenses if all else fails, or they should be included with the others if the criminal activity is carried out in an area where the population is the majority of a particular race, religion, ethnicity and ideology.  But this will not give anyone the right to harass anyone.  Instead it will be a means to provide for further scrutiny of a selected group if said group has people who wish to harm others hiding amongst their number.  Basically, you want to filter out as much of the people who are least likely to be your suspect or even potential terrorist, and focus on the most likely candidates.  At this point an active monitoring system of patrols and espionage should take place where phones are tapped to see if people in the area are calling people in terrorist hot spots, or are receiving calls from people who are suspected terrorists.  If so, then you set up surveillance, and other means of tracking to see if it goes anywhere, if not then you just proved a person's innocence, if it does go somewhere, you just got a lead on a potential terrorist network which can be tracked and then removed before they act.  At no time does racial, ethnic, religious or ideological profiling act alone and at no time does it justify harassment. 

Conclusion:  Now this is if and only if all other profiling methods are done at the same time, and if it is used to prove the innocence of someone.  At no time is the suspect(s) approached or accosted by police unless it is absolutely necessary (if the police have reason for suspicion, but not probable cause, and they need to spook the suspect).  Basically, no one touches or even interacts with the suspect(s) save in extreme circumstances and if they are going to arrest them.  Now this brings up questions about a surveillance State, but that is what laws are for which dictates when, where, how and why the "who" is being surveilled.  So profiling is not bad unless it is used to do bad things like Internment camps as done under President Woodrow Wilson and President FDR or concentration camps or genocide like in Nazi Germany and Rwanda.  Also, it is not bad as long as people of a community know that the police are on their side and not out to harass or to "get them".  I think you get my position as I stand in the middle road between both sides of the argument.

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