Monday, June 27, 2016


So the British have left the European Union.  Their nationalism has taken hold and said no more to open boarders that leave them vulnerable to terrorist incursions.  No more to subjecting themselves to other European nation’s political agendas.  And most importantly they embraced their pride as British citizens.

Note this vote was close.  Super close.  So much so in fact that the losing side wants to hold an additional referendum because they feel that the 50% plus one majority is not enough to make this decision.  However, the vote was fair and square and the losing side is just being a spoiled sport.  

I personally think this vote needed to happen.  Britain was always independent from the EU because they kept the British pound as opposed to switching to the Euro.  They supported the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq during the Bush Administration whereas the rest of Europe either sat back, gave token consent or denounced America.  Britain is still a world player and it is flexing its conservative roots.  Basically, they never needed the EU, but as to whether the EU needs them remains to be seen.

Final Thought:  The EU has been expanding and changing itself since after WWII.  It started as a means to prevent future wars in Europe and then expanded into a faceless bureaucratic monstrosity that barely has any semblance to democratic ideals.  British citizens didn't want that and thus they are out (my analysis).  See you tomorrow for my analysis on the Britain's exit.

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