Tuesday, June 7, 2016

When the angels fell. Heaven's war.

I have always heard stories of the fall.  When Lucifer led his band of angels and was cast out of heaven.   But I wondered.  God is all powerful.  He created us and thus can destroy us.  So how can angels make war against God without being smited?  The answer came to me when I was watching a discussion between Dr. Alveda King (Dr. Martin Luther King's niece) and Glenn Beck.  That answer was that the 1/3 of angels cast out did not make literal war.  They couldn't.  Instead they used a war of words and ideology.  Lucifer who was jealous of man whispered in the other angel’s ears and told them that they were better.  That if they listened to him, then everything would come out ok.  In this, Lucifer wanted to supplant God due to his jealousy of man replacing him as God's favorite by controlling heaven in the same way mankind continues to vie for control of earth.   It was a rebellion of thought in order to ascertain power.  That power was to show that Lucifer was the perfect son and could be as great as God.

 Now the question is, why God didn’t just push them at the outset.  Why didn't God just be rid of Lucifer before he corrupted so many?  I think there is a few reasons.  God created the angels just like he did man.  As such, Lucifer and the other angels are God's children as well.  God could have been hoping that another angel could talk Lucifer out of it.  That the arguments against would prevail.  However, Lucifer's promises of not having to do anything but obey corrupted the pure hearted angels.  They stopped thinking and therefore no longer performed their duties.  They became a cancer.  That cancer was going to corrupt all the angels if not stopped, and thus God cast out his favorite angel Lucifer and those who no longer could think for themselves save follow Lucifer down from heaven.  

Final Thought:  Now to me it makes sense.  That an angel could actually beat God or supplant God was preposterous to me.  But as a power struggle where Lucifer sought control over the other angels and thus manipulated them into not obeying God, now that makes sense.  However, I do not think it was God fearing losing control of his kingdom that worried him.  It was what his children and Lucifer especially would do with that ability to manipulate and control that he feared.  God could not be defeated, but his other creations could.  So mankind and the other angels who were still loyal and could think for themselves were under threat of possible persecution by Lucifer's mentally lazy followers who rely on others to think for them.  And as punishment Lucifer now sits on the throne of hell, or is it perhaps Satan, another who rebelled (if you look at the Islamic lore) who sits on hell's throne? Well that can be tomorrow’s blog post.  Hope you enjoyed the read.

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