Sunday, February 24, 2013

Issue 19 Restrain it One More Time! feb,24,2013

Final one, and have fun. :)
   Restrain it One More Time!

            We all want a sound fiscally responsible government, so here I list some ideas for solutions to set the government right.  Let’s deal with the national debt first.  Debt for a government can mean the difference between a government surplus with low taxes and a government with large deficits, higher taxes and painful cuts to programs that some people rely on like our seniors.  So how do we reform to take on the debt?  First you create a strict limit on how much debt a government can take on.  This limit can be based on government revenue, surpluses with both in combination with how much interest the debt will accumulate.  Or you can have a sinking fund which pays off the debt itself through its own source of revenue and can be used to limit debt to the amount of money collected in the fund (it does not include the interest on the debt incurred for that year).

            Another limitation on the debt is deciding under what circumstances a government may borrow money.  Under no circumstance should a government be funding its activities by the accumulation of more debt.  Nor should a government’s deficit spending be carried over until the next fiscal year at least that is if you want a balanced budget and prevent the further need to borrow more money.  So I say limit debt to only the most essential things such as to finance infrastructure or in the federal governments case the military in war time (as it is unforeseen spending).  Of course, if money is borrowed to finance a war it should be limited to only when Congress has declared war.

            The final way to limit debt is to create a supermajority vote to issue bonds of any kind (a.k.a. debt).  I think a 2/3 majority vote would be best. Add onto this the ability of a tax payer to sue in court to challenge any form of illegal debt issuance and the United States will both borrow and lend less.  This in fact will make the taxpayers of America the official watchdogs to insure our government does not go out of control with debt.

            Then there is another issue, taxes.  Excessive taxation can be just as bad as burdensome debt.  One idea to prevent burdensome taxes is a supermajority vote to increase taxes or to create new taxes.  This will make it almost impossible to level new taxes on the public unless such an increase becomes an absolute necessity.  Another option is to limit the types of taxation.  The three major types are property taxes, sales taxes and income taxes.  In general, only two forms of taxation should exist at any given time so as to prevent tax burdens from becoming too large.  Property taxes are probably the fairest because only rich people can own million dollar homes.  It can be based on the square footage of living space or the total amount of square footage of your whole property.  A sales tax is also fairly fair, i.e. it only taxes you on what you buy.  The Fair Tax, Vat tax and the like are all forms of sales tax.  If done in the right way (no picking of winners and losers) it can produce and promote economic prosperity.  Income taxes can also come in many forms as well and is typically the least fair.  It encourages unequal treatment of the rich and poor and when taxing business income spawns lobbyists for rich companies to get tax breaks and leave less financially stable small businesses to be slowly stamped out.  Even though I do not like taxes in general as it is legal theft of ones property or taxing something that rightfully belongs to you, I will take any tax, and I mean any, that rids us of the income tax and all other types of taxes that breed lobbyists and harm small businesses.

            The final piece of a sound government is a balanced budget, but who’s going to make it?  It’s probably best if the legislative branch of government makes it and then the President or Governor as the case may be cuts out the pork with both the Line Item and Line Reduction Veto’s.  At all times however, the budget must account for all funds, whether it is taxes, debt, and future costs of current programs.  Spending itself can be limited via caps on the federal, state or even local government’s budgets, but these must be designed carefully or it will become detrimental.  It might be best to limit what percentage of the total revenue can be spent on what like 15% for infrastructure, 20% for research and development etc., but again it must be designed carefully.

            There are lots of things we can do to fix government and make it fiscally sound.  Also you must remember a government that borrows is no longer 100% loyal to its citizens for its loyalty is now divided between its creditor and you.  No government should have divided loyalties to its people.  Let us together make government responsible only to us, the citizens of America, once again.      

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