Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Issue 7 A true leader Feb,12,2013

It is not very often that a national figure steps down voluntarily from power, but that is exactly what Pope Benedict has decided to do.  He knows he is no long capable of supporting the office and responsibilities as the Pope (the leader for all Catholics) and has made the responsible decision to excuse himself.  Any man (or woman) who willingly gives up power deserves respect and admiration.

The only other truly notable figure to step down from power was George Washington.  He gave up power at the end of his second term overseeing a very rare and unusually non-violent transition of power for its period in history.  This set the precedent for future Presidents to serve two terms until it became official in the United States Constitution after President Franklin D. Roosevelt's death in office (he served for 3 terms and 42 months).  That is 31 Presidents giving up power before him, with him deciding to keep his power for as long as possible.

As for the Pope on the other hand, the last Pope to resign was did so in the 1400s.  It is rare for anyone who has tasted power's corrupting flavor and then to spit it out when they felt its sweet flavor was no longer needed.  Yes, power corrupts, and no one is immune.

So I applaud the Pope in his decision.  Despite my initial scepticism of him, Pope Benedict has served the faith well.  So thank you Pope Benedict, thank you for your service and being an example to us all.

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