Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Issue 22 Sequester "BS" feb, 27,2013

Some of you have probably heard the word "sequester" on the news recently. For those who don't know, they are talking about the automatic spending cuts that are part of the deal made by members of Congress and the President (apparently his idea) to get America's spending under control. But now that we are just a day away from the cuts kicking in I thought it appropriate for me to put my two cents in. I say let the cuts happen, as spending is not being decreased in the first place.

The 85 billion being cut is from the budget the Federal government wants. However, even with those "cuts" we are still spending approximately 25 billion more dollars than last year. Some of you are saying "how the hell is that a cut?" Well, to the government, or any other governmental entity like State governments, Public School budgets, and the like, that is considered a cut in spending.

It is a myth that police and fire fighters will loose their jobs if the cuts go through. Mainly because the police and fire departments are not funded by the Federal government. Criminals going free, parks shutting down, every bad thing they are saying will not happen at all. This is because, just like when the government has made previous cuts, the fear mongers went into over drive because they want that extra money. Money that is used to garner political favoritism, and lobby members of Congress. What, you thought it was just corporations who lobby Congress, think again. The people who lobby Congress the most is actually our own government agencies, as they have to constantly try to make their efforts look more valuable than they really are to justify their continued existence. These same threats happened under the Reagan administration when he wanted cuts, and you know what did him in? The national parks service threatened that the Washington monument would be shut down. It was a load of BS but it worked.

Truth is there are no real cuts that are going to take place. At least the cuts that matter like eliminating redundancy, and failing/non- successful programs. Instead we get political games. The President blames the Republicans, and the Republicans counter that it was the Presidents idea in the first place. Notice the careful way the Republicans are saying it "was the Presidents idea" and that they use video of him saying his favoritism of the idea. Truth is, Republicans, and Democrats in Congress voted for it, and the President signed it, so God forbid anything bad actually does result from the cuts (less than 1% chance from a historical stand point) everyone is to blame.

So all in all, let the cuts happen. Let them "reduce" spending just a little bit more. It will not hurt us, just a minor set back to some politicians political careers.


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