Thursday, February 7, 2013

Issue 2 winter storm preps Feb,7,2013

    As I have only just started to blog I thought it appropriate to have a total of three articles to start off with.  This one will be about prepping for the upcoming winter storm that will hit NY and parts of the upper east cost this comming Saturday.

    Well, here it goes...You need to get gas in your fuel tank and do so as soon as possible.  Many people are already lining up at gas stations to load up on fuel in case the winter storm becomes as bad as they say (currently 3inches to a full 2 1/2 feet of snow in some areas).  This gas for your car or generator will  provide you with needed fuel to power your car if gas stations close down after the storm like with Hurricane Sandy.  We all remember what a nightmare that was. Obviously you need the fuel for your generator, if you have one, to power and heat your house too in case the power goes out in your area.

   Remember, if your house has no power and you decide to live in your car for a couple of days, make sure the exhaust pipe is not covered to prevent the exhaust going back into your car and killing you.  Like wise, if you have a generator and keep it in the house, have a system to vent the exhaust outside.  If your generator is outside, have some sort of lock on it to prevent it from being stolen.  Also, lock your gas caps as the most common crime in America is theft of fuel via syphons.

    Food wise, make sure you procure atleast 7 days worth of water.  You will need it if you cannot get out of your home.  Beer and wine also work as they have a long shelf life (yes this may be an excuse to drink) and will provide you with liquids when you need it once you run out of water.  Rum/Vodka can be mixed into water to make what is known as grog, which will prevent bacteria from growing in the water, though it will taste terrible (and a waste of booze) it is a helpful survival tool.   The rest of your provisions should be shelf stable, ie dry cereals, energy bars, poptarts will work, and of course canned food (especially if you have the means to cook it) don't forget the can opener--hand held (no power required).

Aka...I'm telling you to get to the gas station and supermarket right now and buy all you need now.  Yes, there is a possibility that you will not need such things, but it is a better safe than sorry kind of situation.

If you have seniors in your family, try to take them into your home, or wait out the storm in their home as emergency services will be paralyzed by the strom itself. In other words, if something happens to them and they are alone, no one will be there to save them. Obviously, move all your preps to your new location and eat a harty meal with as much of your perishable items as possible like milk, eggs and meat as they will most likely spoil if the power goes out. Or as it's a winter storm, consider the snow as your own personal outdoor refrigerator.

Definitely lock your values up, because like after Sandy there will be some looting, so lock it in a safe place in your home that is out of sight and will thus be out of mind for a would be theif.  If you stay home and a theif or worse comes in, make lots of noise (aka make like a psycho path) and arm yourself if they come at the police if a chance presents itself.

Finally, avoid using your phones.  The more they are used, the less likely any phone calls will go through. Thus, use the internet to communicate whenever possible.  The internet was originally created as a means of communication in the event of a nuclear holocaust, so it will still be there.  A simple "I'm ok" should be sufficient. Nothing long and drawn out so as to avoid cluttering the signals which will inhibit distress calls to the police and fire department.

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