Friday, May 17, 2013

Issue 79 Stem Cells: A god send? May 17, 2013

Stem cells are the basic building block from which all our cells develop to become our organs, bones, etc. There are many different varieties of stem cells with embryonic being the most controversial. It has already been proven that all stem cells where ever they are derived work to help improve and heal our physical condition. So is this the best thing to happen to medicine since penicillin?

Yes it is: Stem cells are being experimented with to help heal heart disease, cure cancers and even repair and correct physical and mental conditions. In the show Beyond Tomorrow that was airing on the Science Channel, they injected healthy stem cells from one part of an elderly gentleman’s heart into the part of his heart that was failing. The result was that the mans heart was repaired by those stem cells and was shown to actually make the part of the heart younger. Well not necessarily younger, but health wise it was younger. This is just the beginning.

Stem cells from other animals: Some stem cells don't come from the human body. All animals have them and they are being experimented with too. In the case of the military they are making a kind of dust from pig stem cells. They use this dust by sprinkling it on the stubs of amputees to stimulate the human bodies own stem cells to grow the limb back. So far there has been some progress as some of the soldiers limbs have started growing back, albeit slowly and only in cases of small limbs like fingers. The technology is still developing but there is a hope that we will soon be able to grow peoples limbs back completely.

The types of stem cells: There are stem cells that already exist in the human body. They exist in our blood stream, in our organs, and even in our bones. With these stem cells, it is simply a matter of re-activating them to help heal the sick. As aforementioned, there are animals with stem cells that can be of use to us. These will be used to make other sorts of medicines to allow our bodies to heal themselves, and eventually help to heal our pets. Another type of stem cell is in the umbilical cord. This type exists in umbilical fluid and has greater potential to help heal more serious diseases like Parkinson’s and cancers, at least if our own dormant stem cells prove to be not up to the task.

The most controversial is embryonic. These stem cells exist in undeveloped babies. These are believed to have the greatest potential to save lives, but there is one problem. You will have to kill the unborn child in the fetal stage to harvest the cells. Such a practice is currently outlawed in the U.S. save Jonathon Swifts Modest Proposal becoming a reality. I do not support the research using the unborn stem cells for both moral and ethical reasons as I can see the unborn as nothing but a human life. As such, I will not sacrifice one life for another’s in this scenario.

Conclusion: The discovery and use of stem cells is fantastic. It will allow us to move away from potent and potentially harmful medications and procedures that cause more stress to the body. So this truly is a God send to the medical community and to the world. Now we just have to explore the possibilities.

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