Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Issue 200 Pure Democracy November 6, 2013

A pure democracy is where everyone participates. We as a people all vote for laws and actions to be carried out by government. The United States however is a Republic (a representative type of democracy). There is a reason for this which I will now make clear.

Mob Rule: The primary reason pure democracies fail is due to mob rule. In true democracies, the majority always wins regardless of the outcome of the action or its consequences. So a group can vote to install a bad law despite the wishes of the minority and even if that bad law would only serve to harm the country in the long run. Also, if the majority does not like the minority for any reason (skin color, faith, and ideology) they can make laws that could oppress that minority. Overall, having more people voting yes to a law or action does not mean it is what is best for the overall community.

Collapse: Once mob rule has taken hold, it becomes impossible to fix the problems that occur. Look at our own system with things like Social Security and Medicare. We as a Republic can barely discuss reform on those topics without being ostracized. Under mob rule, people will want to keep their benefits and what ever gives them an advantage in life. In essence, the population will vote to become free loaders. However, once this occurs, the vast wealth and resources vanish quickly. The result is a failed economy, no jobs, and a failed government. Once all is said and done, war will break out, and violence will be everywhere as everyone struggles to claim what they think is theirs. This is the absolute end to all nations that over extend on what they are capable of, total collapse.

The Founders Knew: Our founding members of government like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton all realized that man is self corrupting. They created this Republic in such a way where competing powers would seek to control each other, but could not as there where both checks and balances on each level of government (some of which have eroded today in modern times). By having these groups competing, it ensured that their ambitions would clash and a compromise would develop. But it also ensured that bad ideas would die on the vine first and foremost. In short, the founders applauded grid lock to the effect that it was encouraged (i.e. the filibuster in the Senate and for a brief time in the House of Representatives). We must thank them for saving us from mob rule.

Conclusion: Ideas for a pure electoral college or for referendums come out of the naive trust we have for our fellow man. But so long as people can be scammed out of their money or advertising can sell us what we do not need, then a pure democracy will be unattainable. It is a given that we would seek to get a free ride from the first presidential candidate that promises it. So say no to a pure democracy for despite the twisted system we have now, it is far better than the tyranny of the mob.


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