Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Issue 210 Siphon Energy November 20, 2013

Is there a way outside of solar panels to make energy yourself? Can it be done simply and easily? I asked my self these questions as I too want not just the country to be energy independent, but us as individuals to. So here is my idea.

Water turbine: The technology has existed for years for us to harness energy from water. Every single power station uses this method where water is used to turn turbines to generate electricity. So can we shrink that technology down and place it in our own homes? I think we can. But where would we get the water you ask? Well, when water is pumped into your house through your faucets right. So my idea was that at some point in the system a mechanism like a turbine is placed inside the pipe. As such every time you turn the water on, the turbine spins to generate electricity for your house. If you are thinking that water and electricity do not mix, I invite you to look at my example of the damns that use water to generate electricity for our homes already. So why not copy that system to make our own homes independent from the electrical grid?

More water: Another water source that we can harvest for electricity using this technology would be rain water. If your area lets you capture rain water, then the same turbine can be placed inside to generate electricity for your home. So when it rains, you will get powered up. In addition, the stored water, if used for drinking/bathing can be stored in such a way, that when it is used, another turbine can use it to make even more electricity. Heck, the electricity produced could even be used to purify the water as well. Even water used for in solar water heating can be used to generate electricity as the water being heated up may even convert to steam to turn those same micro turbines. So it can be combined with other methods of water delivery to thereby produce electricity.

Economic advantage: This is advantageous as for one you are generating electricity off the grid yourself. You may even produce enough in combination with solar panels to reduce your electrical costs to zero. In some instances, some people with solar panels alone have gotten a check back from the power company because they produced enough electricity to sell back to those same electrical companies. So imagine this in combination with solar panels making a good portion or all of your electrical needs. What’s also good is that you are using water pumped into your own home or harvested from a well or rain water. So you can reduce your overall costs for water too. Sure it will not make you independent plumbing wise, but it is better then watching all that water just costing you more and more on your water bill. If done right and combined with other power saving methods, you can eliminate the costs for heating your home (electrical) your electrical bill and even your water bill. Some of those savings come in the form of just eliminating the need for the power company, or selling enough electricity to the power company to get a check back that can help pay for your water bill. So it can work and it can help us get off the grid.

Conclusion: This method of power generation uses a magnetic field and metals that pass by each other to produce electrons which are used for power generation. As such, the water merely has to spin the turbine for the metal and the magnets to interact to generate those elections. So the only hurdle to actually making this technology work is making a small enough version to fit into a homes plumbing system and determining the best method of installing the device safely so that people don't get hurt by stray electricity. What also may be a nice by product is that it may increase the water pressure coming out of your faucet which would be beneficial with new regulations demanding reduced use of water to flush toilets, and coming out of the shower head. But again, the technology must be developed. So even though it is my idea, I invite anyone to come up with this technology to make it cheaper and easier to become energy independent for us as individuals. Good luck and happy inventing.

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