Thursday, November 14, 2013

Issue 205 Political Correctness Novmeber 14, 2013

Many of you have heard of the phrase political correctness. But you really do not know exactly what it is. Well here is a brief summary as to what it is, and why it is so stupid to even embrace.

History: Political correctness was invented by the socialists. Yes, that ideological group that sought the ultimate form of equality. So in order to achieve that dream, they felt that a system of thought had to be implemented. As such political correctness was invented. By altering what you can and cannot say, you force a certain way of thinking. This thinking was meant to bring people into the communist/socialist ideology, but it grew with a life of its own.

Today: The concept of political correctness evolved (in my opinion) by being co-opted by other political groups. Now it is used by these groups to force their own agenda. So when you cannot say something like "he is handicapped" because it is now perceived as an insult, it is you being used by a particular group. But this is exactly what it is. It prevents you from saying things in a certain way. It has become a weapon by politicians to demean their opponents and to bring corporations to their knees out of fear of being called racist.

How it works: It really is very simple. Back in the Victorian era, Black Americans were called the "N" word. It became an insult and so the name changed to black, and then African-American. Guess what? They all mean the exact thing. The only difference is that members of the Black community now take offense to these words. I can most certainly understand the "N" word because of how it is associated with oppression, but the others I don't quite get. Same thing with the word handicapped. We have started to call them Handy-capable so as to not insult them. But eventually, Handy-capable will become just as insulting. This is how political correctness works.

Conclusion: I find political correctness stupid. In fact, I believe it make us ignorant. When they took the "n" word out of "Adventures of Huckleberry Fin" I felt they were not only destroying a classic, but removing a piece of history. That word was kept in there for a reason. It was there to teach history, and it makes me wish they taught a class on how words evolve into being hateful. How actions are reinterpreted from being good, into something evil. Right now, political correctness prevents us from talking about the problems in the Black community, the poor, the disabled and more. It stops our free speech because it generates fear. My only solution is to question it, and refuse (when I can) to speak in a politically correct manor.

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