Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Issue 205 U.N.=Bad November 13, 2013

Yes the U.N., better known as the United Nations is bad. No, I am not saying this just because the United States provides over 40% of its budget, and that money can be better used to pay off the debt. There is a very practical reason for the U.N. being a bad place and us Americans abandoning it.

Dictators: What people may forget is that the U.N. is composed of a large body of countries. The problem with this is that a good portion of those countries are either dictatorships, or some other form of oppressive government (think Iran). As such, if the vote on an action ever goes to the general assembly (which is more for show) then America's interests and our allies would be out voted. On top of this, the Security Council is made up of the U.S., France, England, Russia, and China. The remaining members work on a rotational system. When voting on an actual action, China and Russia, who sell many goods to these dictatorships and oppressive governments, will vote against action that violates their interests. As such it is a bulwark against the Western Powers (Democracies) from taking action legally against these smaller, oppressive countries. So the U.N. does not represent democracy or peace for that matter. It is a place for smaller countries, dictatorships, and other oppressive regimes to siphon money from the richer governments in the world.

Corruption: If you thought dictators were bad, than feast your eyes on the fact that the U.N. is rife with corruption. No one really knows where all the money is going, but there have been cases of gun smuggling, drugs and prostitution. Non-governmental organizations have also infiltrated the U.N. to gather support for their own causes on the tax payers’ dime. We as Americans are giving money to a festive hive of scum and villainy. The only exception may be doctors without boarders, but that can be divorced from the U.N. and run separately if needed.

Treaties are law: One thing that many people do not know about is that treaties once singed are equivalent to the U.S. constitution. As such, if a treaty is signed in the U.N. the United States must abide by it. So when the gun ban treaty was signed, then the U.S. must abide by it. If a treaty on what is taught in our children's classrooms is signed, then we must abide by it. Of course, we may be one of the few countries that do as the dictators just don't care. As such, the only way to solve this is to have a constitutional amendment that makes it so that any treaty that violates our constitution is null and void, and that we can pick and choose which parts we wish to follow so long as it does not violate any U.S. law.

Conclusion: The United Nations was supposed to be a peace making body. It was to be a place for countries to gather to cooperate to make treaties and resolve disputes. But the fact is that it has failed. Just like with any man made system, the greed and corruption has taken hold and perverted it. So there are two solutions to this problem. Either we back out of the U.N. completely, or we force the dictators out.

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