Monday, November 18, 2013

Issue 208 Cycle of hate November 18, 2013

How does hatred become violence? Well, it is fairly complex, so Glen Beck (owner of the Blaze television network) had his staff assemble a team to analyze how hatred spreads and perpetuates it self. So here are his findings.

Event: An event is the start of the trigger. So something like slavery or a treaty between governments is the initial trigger. Anything can be a trigger. The 9/11 attacks are another easy example which is usable to create discord. This is where phase two comes in.

Seeds of discord: Phase two is when someone or a group begins to take advantage of an event that occurred and never let the wounds of the past heal. Something like slavery and the Jim Crow laws are one example. Those wounds never healed because people took advantage of the anger and frustration to spread more ill will. It was set up into an us versus them mentality between blacks and whites even though not all blacks and not all whites where involved. Another easy example is the conflict between Muslims and Jews. Propaganda is used to keep the hatred alive from thousands of years ago when select Jewish tribes betrayed Mohammad in a battle. Then all future problems where blamed on the Jewish community no matter how far apart or involved they were in the conflict. As such, the radicals who hate the people of Israel don't hate them out of actual wrong doing, but out of being taught and or convinced that the Jews are an evil force causing them or some one else in their community pain and suffering. This propaganda keeps the pain alive.

Real crisis: Here the haters who want conflict "never let a good crisis go to waste." So when an economic crisis, a war, a famine or other horrible event occurs, it will be blamed on the targeted group. If you remember, a large number of Muslims blamed the Jews as a cause for 9/11 with the purpose of drumming up not just more hate but violent backlash. Other similar events like when cops are accused of abusing Black Americans amplify the conflict here in the U.S. Not to say that some of these conflicts are not legitimate or illegitimate, but even the most innocent of situations can be turned into a larger more violent situation. This leads us toward the final result.

Actual Conflict: The cycle of hate always ends with actual violence. This means race riots and wars. And this is the ultimate goal for hate groups like the Neo-Nazi's, KKK, Black Panthers, Al Quada and other groups that seek violence. If the violence should fail in its intended goal, then the "event" becomes another sticking point toward future violence with it being used as another wedge towards the us verses them mentality.

Conclusion: Sad isn't it. People actually want conflict between races, ideologies, religions, and more. They always make it an us versus them conflict to further fan the flames of hate. Can it be stopped? Well yes it can. But it can only be stopped when people dismiss the us verses them mentality. It is not the collective Muslims that caused 9/11, but a specific group amongst their number. It is not all white people who perpetuated slavery, but a group of both blacks and whites who were slave owners. Not everyone is to blame for all conflicts, and they are not to blame for the situation you are in now. It is either yourself, or the immediate situation with those actually involved that put you in the situation you are in. This is how it really works. Stop always blaming others, when it just may be circumstances that even you yourself have no control over.

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