Friday, April 4, 2014

Issue 307 EPA Vs. Libertarians April 4, 2014

Like the FDA, libertarians have some issues with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). While libertarians like what it is designed to do, we do not feel that it is being done properly or that it is not without corruption. So here is what we libertarians would like to see.

The changes: At current, the EPA is supposed to protect the environment, but libertarians feel it is being used by politicians to support agendas. One such area is the promotion of green energy, which is a worthy cause, is not meant to be supported by the EPA. Another is global warming which for the skeptics like me is not a complete science and promoting it while restricting and fining people in the pursuit of that agenda is corruption. The EPA that libertarians want is similar to what we want to change in the FDA. We want activities of choice unregulated, a negative reinforcement approach and to get the politicians and their agendas out.

National body: Like the alterations to the FDA from yesterday, we libertarians want an EPA that is as separated from politics as possible. So teaming up with universities, museums and the like would do well to get the politics out. Also, the more involved various governments at the local level and in part the State level would also decrease the politics as banning based on consensus would be the best solution to preventing corruption. Keeping it local and having the EPA essentially be a large community of scientist and engineers from various fields will aid in keeping thought diverse and thus prevent group think as well. With no single body, but a multitude of governments watching (and thus the people) corruption can more easily be routed out.

Forbidden: This body will not have the ability to support any candidate for elected office. Also, staff during work hours will not be allowed to participate in any political campaign or activity. Any fines for violating rules set by this body will be set in court where the accused violators may defend themselves with the EPA having to prove any and all wrongdoing. There shall be no prohibitions on any acts that do not have an environmental impact. The sole purpose of the EPA will be to prevent all man made products, bi-products and materials that would harm the environment from be inappropriately disposed of and stored. Fines collected will go strictly to supporting research and funding the EPA's activities. Any and all salaries will be set to the market so as to ensure no member is overpaid and that most of the money is used for the research into protecting the environment. Therefore, this body will be exclusively a non-profit organization. There will be no bank accounts or accumulation of money save a small fund for an exclusive use to aid in environmental clean up after a disaster (each branch office will have a small dedicated fund for this exclusive purpose). Government enforcement of these rules set by the EPA will be voluntary, but the EPA will be allowed (once proven in court) to publish information on any violators of their mandates with respect to who they are, what activity (or part of) they are doing that violates those rules and what they should do as an alternative. This is to shame the individual into taking action if they have ignored the courts rulings, or have not taken voluntary action. If the party in question that violated the rules takes voluntary action to clean up or change their practices, then there will be no court proceedings so as to prevent any harm to the companies (or individuals) reputation, and instead with their permission the EPA can publish a document commending the company or individual for taking swift action with a suitable award of some variety. (These ideas and rules extend to yesterdays article on the FDA)

Conclusion: In this I outlined what libertarians would like to see. An institution insulated from politics as much as possible and geared solely toward the goal of protecting the environment and by de facto "us". Hope you enjoyed today's and yesterdays articles and that they inspire you to think of other ways to accomplish what needs to be done without the use of government.

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