Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Issue 314 Good to know stuff April 15, 2014

So like my past interesting facts issues I will occasionally have issues like this. So here are some good to know things that you probably never thought about.

1. Do not store your medications in the kitchen, bathroom or by a heat source. The reason is because the kitchen stove, the hot steam from a shower, and heat in general can alter the composition of the medications you are taking. So your medications can become less effective, or even detrimental to your health.

2. Don't store medications in the same container if they give off a powder. These tablets made from compressed powders can rub off on your other medication which may prove detrimental. The reason is due to some medications having to be taken at different times less you want to risk a chemical reaction between the two.

3. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) if taken in excess can cause more harm to your liver than if you were an alcoholic. Likewise, antibiotics if taken in excess can do similar harm to your small intestines. So taking them if and only if you need such medications is a must in order to protect your body from harm. This also means taking alternative medicine if possible as well to vary the chemicals so as to avoid build up.

4. Think twice about flushing your toilet with the seat up. When you flush, the water sprays spreading into the air. This water contains fecal matter (pooh, urine, etc.) and goes everywhere. If you want proof just ask the Myth Busters on the Discovery channel as when they tested this, they discovered that not only does the fecal matter get on your things like your tooth brush, but also can make its way into the kitchen and bedroom as well. So put the seat down.

5. To avoid getting sick, you should not put your hands on your face at all. Your hands are literally the dirtiest part of your body as they are used to touch everything. So by not touching your face, you can avoid getting bacteria and viruses in your body in the first place.

6. When brushing teeth, you should only use a soft bristle brush. The reason is because the harder bristles will wear down the teeth’s enamel making them more sensitive and thus do damage to them. Brushing in a circular motion also protects from wear and tear as well by massaging teeth rather than rubbing them into oblivion. And this I just found out recently, brush the side of your teeth at a 45 degree angle so avoid the brush hitting the gum line as brushing with the back and forth motion at a horizontal angle can actually cause the gum line to recede for it is being rubbed away (so in the future you risk being called gum bee).

Conclusion: Some simple tips for a better life. Hope you found them useful.

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