Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Issue 320 Bad Racial Profiling April 23, 2014

As promised, I will discuss the dangers of racial profiling.  It can and has been abused.

Racism:  The most typical form of abuse is harassment.  The police officer may be a legit racist or just looking to get be rid of some boredom.  So harassing the individual with the excuse of following the law is tempting for such individuals as they feel they can be protected by the law themselves.  

Mishandled:  If the data is misinterpreted (a failing of all forms of statistical data) or old (in which it no longer applies) it ends up hurting a community rather than helping them.  Basically, it could cause police to stop and frisk individuals who have nothing to do with criminality more often which hurts the trust between the police and the community at large.  As such, all the data must be kept up to date at all times.

Targeting:  Some leaders in a police organization may use the racial profiling and other techniques to harass a particular group or an individual.  Very similar to how the racist cop targets individuals under the guise of the law, but in this case a particular individual or group is targeted at the expense of the others caught in this crossfire.  So an officer who does not like the Muslims in his community (who are predominately black) may be targeted at the expense of the rest of the black community in the area.  An individual of a particular race would also be targeted in the same fashion.  It is very sad when officers of the law sink this low, especially as they will usually have to be complicit in the act.

(Note: I simply chose the most convenient and easily recognized example)

Government tyranny:  The final most basic is when government targets a specific group for political attack.  This can be immigrants, people of a specific ethnic community or just a general group.  The profiling will be used in a disinformation campaign to paint the group of individuals as criminals, violent and worse so as to isolate them from the larger populace.  This allows the government to essentially do what they please with these individuals without fear of the populace speaking out.  The best examples of this are in America when the government removed Native Americans from their land, and in Nazi Germany when the Nazi's launched a disinformation campaign against the Jews to make them into the "enemy within".

Conclusion:  This is a basic list and description on how racial profiling can be abused.  Obviously the government and individuals must be watched so as to protect the people from government and bad officers going out of control and carrying out such horrendous acts.  So this issue will serve as a template on what to look for when individuals in power seek to harm others of a different race, color or creed.

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