Monday, April 7, 2014

Issue 308 Defense Vs. Libertarians April 7, 2014

Many people think libertarians are isolationist. The fact is we are not in any way shape or form an isolationist based group. We wish for open and free trade with every nation with little to no impediments at all. But we are here to rectify the issues of national defense. So here we go.

What we do not want: Libertarians do not believe in permanent alliances. Reason being is that they tie us as a nation to countries that are very likely to go to war and thus drains us of both men and material. If joining in a war, then it must have a direct impact on the nation (us being or going to be attacked). If at all possible libertarians would like to remain neutral at all times so as to trade with all. Wars and alliances may prohibit this. If the war is won libertarians will not engage in any form of nation building or similar actions. It is not the place of our country to dictate what happens in another country. As such, overseas bases would not be allowed and all soldiers brought home. Basically, the entire concept is to mind our own business.

Defense: This does not mean libertarians are against a strong and formidable military. In fact libertarians like I seek a military so strong that only the foolish would dare strike against us. The reason is because libertarians understand that standing above conflict and seeking neutrality needs to be backed by powerful arms and armor. As such, the stronger the military the better.

How do we want it: While we want a strong military we want things done in a very specific way. We want the military dedicated to national defense with the ability to take the fight overseas if and only if necessary. Thus, no overseas bases. While limiting the speed to react, is not an impediment as we do not seek war with any country if at all possible. So we can have all our troops stationed here in he United States, but without the cost of renting property overseas. Also, let us not forget nuclear weapons. Libertarians are (while not unanimous) agree that such weapons are a potent tool in deterring enemy attack. So they do not violate libertarian values at all.

Conclusion: Our military is strong, but libertarians like myself feel they are being abused for political gain and foolishness. Libertarians seek to avoid sending troops into harms way by fighting only when we are forced. Others like the republicans and democrats want to send troops out to fight for their agendas. I ask you to try the libertarian method of policy, neutrality with a strong and formidable military. This policy is know as "separatism" and was inspired by George Washington's warnings to our nation in his farewell address upon his retirement. So let's head this warning and follow the libertarian separatist method of national defense.

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