Thursday, April 24, 2014

Issue 321 Banning Words!? April 24, 2014

Sounds nuts right?  Banning words?  The height of ridiculousness.  But that is what some of these people in Hollywood are attempting with their idealistic friends.  Let's go over why this is just plain dumb.

Will not work:  For one you have to have everyone agree to ban the word in the first place.  And you know what, that is never going to happen.  Curse words, racial slurs and more despite being frowned upon are still said by both polite society and those who seek to harm.  They continue to use these words to express their feelings, and even alter the words meaning based on the situation.  For instance "f--k yea" is different from 
"f--k you" (notice I didn't actually right the word because even I find it stupid to say).  Words are malleable and thus subject to change and meaning.  Context is also highly important as well.  The only time a word is no longer spoken is because a different word has replaced it.  

Insults:  What the Hollywood people want to ban is the word "bossy" because apparently they feel it is insulting to women.  Fact is, you better be prepared to be called worse.  People will not stop using the word bossy for it is a descriptor of an individual who is, well for lack of a better word, "bossy".  Try banning the word stupid, idiot, and so on.  It will not work.  If we could ban all the insulting words then it probably would have been done by now (with no words left for us to speak for that matter).  Insulting words do not and will not disappear, they simply change.  These sensibilities on wanting to ban such words are naive.  Words cannot be banned as much as the word poor, homeless, handicapped and so forth will fade in and out as insults and descriptors.  People saying ban this or that because of some emotional connection or displeasure with a word will not solve anyone's problem.

How to really handle insulting words: Talk to the hand. I don't care.  Give them the cold shoulder.  Or just ignore it.  Words can hurt, that we can all agree with, but some are worth getting pissed off at more than others.  The reason you should react this way is because you diffuse its power over you.  Sure people will still talk behind your back and poke fun at you.  But you know what, unless it is constructive criticism, then you should just ignore it.

Conclusion:  Forget banning words.  It is a waste of your time as those words will only be abandoned in time or their meanings changed as time goes on.  This is how the language works, it alters and changes with time.  Focus more on your future and family than this waste of time. 

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