Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Issue 430 I am John Galt! October 1, 2014

Again based on Ayn Rand, what if we followed John Galts' philosophy or something similar?  Here is my view on a different kind of group that is above politics.

The philosophy:  Basically this philosophy will revolve around doing what is right over doing what is wrong.  It is not about who gets the credit for it, but just simply doing the right thing. So it totally removes the political parties and their not getting things done (immigration issues, health care etc.) or their vengeance plays against each other.

At the same time, it will be based on fiscal conservatism, where we would avoid using government. If any at all, to carry out tasks.  As a matter of fact, it would revolve around the community getting together to get things done, and only paying money for things the community as a whole deems fit.  This is all to support the idea that government is not needed to fix a pothole, or a broken sidewalk.  Instead the community could raise the money to fix it themselves.

Finally, the members would have to be open to all ideas, but only follow the ideas that make the most practical and reasonable sense without losing our rights as individuals.  So health care would be a traded commodity, with churches having free clinics and as soup kitchens rather than handing out food stamps and other practical solutions that remove government from the equation, but always fixed in the concept of reason.  In short, you must follow your mind before you follow your heart when it comes to issues like gun control, health care, or anything controversial.  The mathematical data, and history of past events are used to make the best and most reasonable of solutions which would then be followed (but shall at no time be limited to this solution if a better one comes up).

Conclusion:  Here the key things are doing what is right over what is wrong (ignoring political parties), being fiscally conservative so as to not waste money, and to be open to ideas and actions that are fixed in reason so as to remove impulsive actions.  Subtlety this removes the need for government and even its infrastructure as communities could then take care of themselves, only asking for help from nearby communities when something becomes more than they can handle themselves.  Thus, a person who thinks and acts with such a mentality I designate a Galt.  So are you able to become a Galt as well, or will you fester with a label like Democrat and Republican with their despotic madness?

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