Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Issue 434 Food stamps and Ice cream? October 7, 2014

Ok, so I have another beef against food stamps.  Why are things like Ice cream covered under the food stamp program?  You already know my arguments on the money from the government for food stamps being our hard earned taxpayer dollars being wasted, but I have another reason on why this is a bad practice.  Here we go.

Health:  Food Stamps (EBT) cards are supposed to provide the most basic of money for food stuffs necessary to live.  Basically it should pay for fruits and vegetables, meats, and grains and certain dairy products.  But food stamps pays for some of the unhealthiest crap mankind has come up with.  This includes Ice cream, diet sodas (which are even worse for people than regular soda), juice drinks with equal or greater sugar than soda and other unhealthy beverages.  Basically, food stamps covers everything that would make us all fat.  To top this all off the worst stuff covered by food stamps is the cheapest stuff to buy.  Thus limiting these people on a budget to unhealthy options.

What should be covered:  The things covered should be water, pastas, canned goods, fresh fruit and vegetables, milk, cheeses, and yogurts, meats like hamburgers and no sugar added fruit juices.  Beyond these basics, the rest should not be payable by food stamps as it makes no sense making a person in poverty so fat that they become a health problem.  Remember, the people receiving the money have no say on what is allowed to buy because it is being given to them with specified conditions as dictated by law and regulation. So they have no say on this issue.

Conclusion:  Well, you probably think I am being harsh here.  That by denying these welfare recipients these more sugary items that it demeans them and embarrasses them. Well, it does not embarrass them as the fact that they are even forced to be on food stamps is an embarrassment to not only themselves, but for the nation as a whole (I personally would rather starve than be on food stamps). The fact that our government who controls the money supply would let the economy go this out of whack to where inflation and production of goods has become so expensive that it prices out our seniors and other members of society from being able to buy basic food stuffs is just ridiculous.  But this is the society we created by thinking big daddy government can take care of us all.  As such, government becomes the bad guy on saving money on this welfare industry.  We have to limit the people on welfare to healthy options or else the cheaper junk will become their main source of nutrition and thus make them big and fat, or more prone to malnourishment and or diseases like diabetes.  This is a health crisis as well that must be addressed.  

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