Thursday, October 2, 2014

Issue 431 Following the Heart or the Mind October 2, 2014

Both the heart and the mind are what aids us in making the correct decisions and driving us toward the person we want to be or the situation/future we think we deserve.  But when push comes to shove, should you follow your heart first, or should you follow your mind?

The Heart:  The heart is all about passion.  It is what drives you.  Here emotion can give you strength to persevere over obstacles that may be in your path.  Without heart you will have no passion and as a result be miserable.  However, beware as if you follow just your heart without caution it can lead you to ruin.

The Mind:  The mind is all about reason.  Here you use logic and higher thought based on science, evidence, and history to make the best decision based on what you know and what you believe you can achieve.  But, this has no passion.  As such it can result in you making a decision that while appropriate given a particular circumstance, will not make you happy in the long run.

Conclusion:  It is your personal preference on which you follow first.  If at all possible I say use both to make the best possible decision in a given situation.  However, we are talking about those situations where you are at a crossroads between the two.  As such I say it depends on the circumstances.  If it is for the women you love, then follow your heart.  If it is so that you can get a good job, then follow your mind as you can always change jobs latter.  But this is my own personal point of view on the issue.  So therefore follow what you think will lead you to prosperity for both are part of what make you who you are and what you will eventually be.

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