Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Issue 595 ISIL atrocities May 20, 2015

In the Middle East ISIS, now known as ISIL, is committing one atrocity after another.  Here I will list some of those atrocities.

Crimes by ISIL:

1. Committing acts of Genocide:  ISIL is actively seeking out Christians and Jews (and non-sunni Muslims) and killing them off one by one.  This includes the burning of Churches and Temples, with the parishioners still inside. Or lining them up to be shot in the head.

2. Killing children: Some have gone into villages and asked children their faith, knowing they will answer honestly.  Once these children state they are Christian or Jewish, they are all killed.  This happened to one father who was going to say he would convert with his family to save their lives, but the children said they would always be Christian, and thus they made the father watch as they murdered his three children in front of him.

3. Mass killings:  In some cases, ISIL terrorists simply come into town and just kill off every male there.  Other times they simply just kill everyone, including Muslims who are deemed to not be in line with ISIL's version of their faith or those that would try to protect their Christians and Jewish neighbors.

4. Mass Rape:  This is very common as once they kill the men or capture a woman, they will rape the woman before them.  In some cases, these women are still children as young as nine years old.  

5.  Glorified murder:  ISIL will take the heads of their victims (including babies) and mount them on pikes for all to see.  They make videos of them cutting off the heads while the people are still alive.

6. Slavery: Slavery seems to have become common, especially amongst the women.  They price them based on age, and ability.  They sell children as wives (including babies), and older women who they deem useful for house work.  Under their version of Islamic law, the males may do anything they wish to these women including rape and even murder them as they are not deemed people anymore. Women too old or infirm for anything are simply killed.  

Conclusion:  These are the bare bones examples of what they are doing.  As such, this does not even come close to describing the depravity and evil they are carrying out right now.  So the question is, how are we going to stop them?

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