Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Issue 598 Abortion Spa's!? May 26, 2015

Everything I discuss here is a rumor, but I think it is important enough to write about.  In this case abortion clinics adding spa's to their lineup of services to remove the stigma/negative feelings of an abortion.  Let's discuss.

The rumor:  As stated, there are those in the abortion industry looking to combine a spa and an abortion clinic into one.  They wish to remove any negative connotations that stem from getting an abortion and thus make it out to be a pampering procedure done during or after the woman gets the full spa treatment.  So get your nails done with a message and then sit spread eagle on the table and have the unborn child killed (aborted).  Yea, when I say it this way, it makes it sound like a really bad idea.

Possible reasoning:  It is in my opinion that if these rumors turn out to be true or at the very least looked into by the abortion industry that it was done solely for capitalist/monetary reasons.  While I myself am a capitalist, and in favor of making money, I have qualms (disregarding my dislike of abortion) about turning a legitimate medical procedure into a basic commodity service that potentially could endanger the mother receiving the procedure.  While the idea of a woman being pampered sounds nice and is designed to make the woman feel more comfortable before and after the medical procedure is done, I see no other benefit than making the abortion procedure look more appealing so these abortionist doctors to make a few extra dollars  Hence my opposition.

Conclusion:  I am sorry, as I feel my opinion is fairly biased on this one.  However, this reeks of the ugly side of capitalism where morals are put on the back burner in favor of a quick self-interested buck.  As such, I hope such an idea/rumor is false, and that this concept is not brought back for such a controversial and last resort medical practice.

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