Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Candidates attacking each other.

I am probably preaching to the choir, but I am sick of the political attacks.  If candidates speak truthfully and explain their differences with their opponents that is one thing, but now the candidates in the Republican debate seem to be eating their own.  They are openly calling each other liars, cheats and are just dragging each other through the mud.  This however does not do the Republicans any good with respect to showing that they are above the influence of party politics and mudslinging.  Carson and Kasich seem to be the only ones who seem to be above it all, but they are generally not attacked because they are not front runners at the moment.  Carson however is the only one with the right to criticize anyone with respect to the Cruz campaign claiming he was out of the race back in Iowa.  You see, while history shows that these attacks are not uncommon in elections, we have seemed to devolve back into the almost vicious nature of them with candidates calling each other liars and cheats.  As such, they feed the people's perception that politicians are nothing, but conniving and dishonest men and women who solely want power.  This perception is not entirely wrong, but it is not entirely right either.  Truth is, many politicians seek power to do the right thing, but either get stuck in the quagmire of political power struggles or are pushed out.  We the voters however seem to fail to see the good from the bad as we seem to be losing our ability to judge people of character.  What we need is a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington type, along with an Eliot Ness Untouchable.  This means an actually honest politician who stands for what is right and a person who can receive donations and aid from anyone, but will never take a bribe.  But our Republicans, and to an almost equal extent the democrats fail on both counts. 

Final Thought:  Attacks on each other and on opposing members of the political party are symptoms of the problem, not the problem itself.  We need people like Carson, and Sanders who refuse to run attack ads so that one part of the symptoms of corruption is held back long enough to push back the tide of electioneering, and party segregation that occurs in Washington D.C.  We need term limits, we need a truly fair tax system that does not enslave the citizens, and to have a nation of people with character and are not ideologically separated.  In the same way atheists claim that religions start conflicts, so too does ideologies like liberal and conservative, republican and democrat.  As such I personally call for a nation that rejects ideology, but returns to the principles of the rule of law.  What the Constitution says goes as it is the law, but if there's a problem, change it.  It is that simple.  After following the rule of law, it all becomes about freedom.  And freedom is what all people should seek.

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