Monday, February 22, 2016

Jeb Bush is out! It's a Three man race!

So Nevada and South Carolina happened just this weekend.  For the Democrats, Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders with MSNBC attributing the victory to the Black American vote in Nevada.  Interestingly though, Clinton was campaigning in Nevada with an eye toward the minority vote in general and a portrayal that Bernie did not represent minority groups, but was the "old white man representing white values" in the democratic party.  That analysis comes from a Fox News contributor.  Basically if Hillary had lost she could portray Bernie as a guy who represents just the white members of American society.  

As to the republicans.  Carson, Kasich and Jeb were the overall losers.  With a poor showing there, Jeb left the race which means the top three contenders will benefit with respect to the next set of Primaries and Caucuses.  Those top three are Trump, who actually lost some of his lead in South Carolina (it was reduced by half), Rubio who is the only establishment candidate left that matters, and Cruz who is tied with Rubio and is the only other non-establishment candidate in a lead position.   Kasich and Carson both are waiting to see the results of Super Tuesday (when the largest number of Primaries and Caucuses occur at the same time) to decide if they are going to leave the race.  

I feel bad for Carson because he is a good man who at this point, based on what I heard him say, wants to change how elections are done.  He wants to prove that a clean campaign without attacks and built on real debate can win and thus eliminate the status quo of lies, cheats and attacks done in elections.

Final Thought: I hope Carson pulls through enough to show that you can do well without the need for attacks and lies, but unfortunately it is a three man race.  With each establishment candidate leaving one by one, both Trump, Cruz and Carson benefit, but if the Republican leadership has its way, the candidate would be Rubio and not Trump, because in case you have not noticed, Trump is practically uncontrollable.  I think Trump has matured though and has gotten better as a candidate overall, but I am still fearful of the possible consequences if he should win the White House (that and the democrats have attack ads and documentaries waiting to crush him).  So now we wait till this weekend with another debate (yea another one) and the next primary occur.

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