Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How Ben Carson Could have Won.

Ben Carson is one of my favored candidates.  He is, what appears to me, an honest and heartfelt person who really has no agenda save helping the American people.  One of his primary criticisms though was that he lacked political experience.  As such people thought him ill equipped to handle situations like ISIS, Russia and to a certain extent some domestic policy issues.  Therefor people think he will be eaten alive by Hillary Clinton (the assumed winner of the Democratic nomination).  

So what could Carson have done to bring him out of the shadows and to the limelight again long enough to show that he is smart enough and Presidential enough to be our President.  In this case he would have to do something unusual.  He would need to select his cabinet.  The men and women he would appoint to head the department of defense, Secretary of State, Treasury and so on.  By choosing those he can trust but are more capable than himself he could show the nation his judgment of people and because he surrounds himself with the best and the brightest that he is the man to pick.  This is what I believe he should have done when his numbers started to wane when Cruz and Rubio started to overtake him.   He would have gotten a lot of free press and it would have enabled him to go and talk more to the people via the media as a result thus maximizing his exposure and allowing people to see him as a leader.   He could have announced two at a time in fact or even said who he would not select as a member for his cabinet for whichever department he plans to be rid of like the department of education.  Thus he could have maximized his exposure time in the media.  

Final Thought:  Even a Vice Presidential short list would have gotten him air time enough to help him stay in the front.  Sure, not saving these choices later for a bad debate assuming he got the Republican nomination could hurt him in the long run, but it is a calculated risk that would need to be taken to stay on top.  And in a Presidential debate, it is all about the calculated risks to show that a candidate has the grit and the guile to be the leader of the United States.

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