Thursday, February 11, 2016

Women and the Draft

During the Republican debate in New Hampshire the draft and having women register for it came up.  Many people on the Republican side thought they should register.  However I have a different opinion.  My opinion is that the draft is a relic of the past that forces young men into battle.  It is basically a form of slavery if men and women would be forced to fight against their will.  Yes, I know the argument well that they protect our nation, but placing people in a military who do not want to be there increases desertions, decreases moral, and jeopardizes every single member of the military with respect to safety and their mental state which is already strained due to the stresses of battle.  A soldier does not need to be think that his buddy is going to abandon him in the middle of a fire fight.  So I say end the draft completely.  Our military is much stronger with those who join because they want to and not because they have to.

Final thought:  I believe in freedom and if the draft is kept, then let women register, but not with the force of law demanding they do so against their will and threatening fines and jail if they do not (yes jail and monetary penalties are there as a threat for those men who do not sign up).  However, like I said, I believe in freedom and I respect our soldiers.  As such the draft should be removed as nations as advanced as ours have to look, act and be above such a ridiculous and outmoded tool for making a military.  In fact, our military is living proof that an all volunteer force can and is superior to any conscript army.  So I say end the draft, it is not needed anymore.

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