Monday, December 21, 2015

Hillary and rumors.

Let us start off the week with roomer and darkness, and then finish with the love of Christmas.  In this case, the darkness is the potential truth to the rumors surrounding Hillary Clinton.  Let us start.

Rumor 1) The first one comes from Roger Stone's and Robert Morrow's book "the Clinton's' war on women".  In this case the authors make the claim with sources that Bill Clinton as President had sex with minors and raped women as well (I did not read the book and thus basing this off the review) and that Hillary covered it up and intimidated and threatened his victims to remain silent.  That and more. As to if it has truth or not I do not know.  I am not going to read it myself, and I feel it is speculative and possibly a propaganda piece to be rid of Hillary in the upcoming election.  You decide.

Rumer 2) our second rumor is something put forth by Dinesh D’Souza.  He fully stated in the interview I saw on the Blaze that this is his opinion, that Hillary wants power for powers sake.  She is power hungry and wants control in the same fashion that a tyrant would if she could achieve it.  From his perspective, she became a senator to gain political clout to get into the inner workings of our political systems backroom deals by using the name of her former President husband to gain access and power.  Then she became secretary of State to understand and see the trouble spots around the world and thus knows when and where she can manipulate those places to gain power, money and authority.  Basically, it is about being able to move the levers of society and thus control every aspect of people's lives if she could.  In short, she is a potential despot.  I agree with Mr. D’Souza that she is power hungry, and I can see her seeking more, but I don't know about her being insatiable.  In this case it is up for you to decide if her and  Bill's foundation, and her political positions were all to set up to seek and hold the reins of power.  Basically, is she "big sister" to 1984's big brother?

Final Thought:  These are both speculative and I felt like providing you my readers with these so that you may decide for yourselves what to believe.  Remember, to question with boldness and choose wisely whom we choose for President, for the nation will get what it deserves.

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