Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Why I will not vote for Hillery

Yep, another unnumbered.  This time to show that candidates on both sides suck (in my opinion).

Now, as to why I will not vote for Hillary Clinton.  While Trump taps into anger and fear, Hillary does similar with respect to tapping into emotions, but in her case it is about giving hope to people.  But her hope is a false one.  She intends (from my view) to claim that she will help the impoverished and middle class, but will ultimately tax the middle class and higher to "aid them".  But this aid will not actually help the poor, but instead keep them as a voting block to continue to be used by her political party.  Yes, she does intend to raise taxes as well (in the same manner as Trump), so that multi-thousand page tax code grows and thus further increases the divide between the rich and poor (I don't know if that is intentional or not).

She is power hungry as well.  Hillary has stated prior that she would not run for president, but then does so (she is not the first to do this though).  I find this lying to be distasteful on its own, but she set up her campaign while continuing to say this so she can personally try and lay claim to being the first woman President (plenty of more qualified women can replace her, and with integrity to share).  So this power hungry woman who wants her name left in the history books kind of freaks me out.

Final Word:  I cannot see myself voting for her or Trump.  If they are the two nominees, then I will not be voting for either of them as I see them as dangerous and will pervert and ignore the Constitution to suit their own ends. This is my personal view, so all I can say my readers is choose wisely.

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