Friday, December 11, 2015

Quote Sic Semper Tyrannus

Sic Semper Tyrannus means thus unto the tyrants.  The quote was made famous by the John Wilkes Booth when he assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in Ford's theater.  He said this to make a statement as he thought that President Lincoln was a tyrant and that ultimately all tyrants die.   But let us quickly dissect this.  The fact that a tyrant is a person who seeks to control and manipulate others as they have some sort of power over others.  Lincoln did to an extent have power over others, but he gave up his war time powers and then some as he wanted the North and South to reconcile as family rather than the north controlling the lives of the defeated former Confederate States.  So Lincoln was not a tyrant in really any respect as tyrants do not give up power as they continually seek more.  Real tyrants are obviously dictators with secret police like Hitler, Stalin and Mao.  Others such as rapists and abusive husbands can also fall in this category as well.  For you see, they want the power of control, control of others.  However, that control is only gained when we are intimidated and fear them to the point that we are paralyzed and can do nothing against them.  But you only have control over yourself.  That personal control is something that you must hold onto or else you become a slave.  So do not become a slave to others.  Do not submit to tyrants and thus make them powerless.  That is the true way of resisting and ultimately removing a tyrant from power.

Here is one of the unnumbered with more to come usually on fridays if a topic or something of importance does not come up.  Hope you enjoy.

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