Friday, December 11, 2015

Some updates on what is going to happen to the Blog.

I can assure you all that I will continue to write more.  That is a given.  However, I will be making some changes.   The change that I will be doing is that I will cut down my posts to four days a week.  This allows more flexibility for me to potentially write more or do more in depth research into a particular topic, and also to have a little bit more free time between work and my writing here.  So pardon my selfishness.

 Also, even though I will be reducing my postings to four days a week, it does not mean that there will not potentially be a fifth post.  In this case it could be a current event that is happening right at the moment that is worth mentioning or something fun.  These will be unnumbered and could potentially replace a typical numbered "issue" if I feel it is important enough.

 As to my health, I am getting better, but the time away from writing has allowed me to read and think.  It has thus allowed me to try and better integrate private life with work and hobbies which ultimately resulted in this decision which is overall better for my mental health as well (it can be stressful making a deadline even self imposed ones).  I hope this pleases you my readers or at the very least understand why I made these changes.  Again as always thank you for reading, and I look forward to your continued readership.

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