Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Why I will not vote for Trump

Welcome to one of the unnumbered issues, designed to be issues that can sometimes replace regular issues, while meeting the need to talk about issues of immediate importance without the wait.  In this instance we have my opinion on why I will not vote for Donald Trump.

Let's see, the main reason I will not vote for him is how he is attracting people.  He feeds on their anger and fears to gather support.  Now if you know religion, or even Star Wars, then you know that tapping into such dark feelings leads to people allowing horrible things to happen.  Examples being are internment camps in World War I with the Germans, and World War II with both Germans on the east coast and Japanese on the west coast.  In both instances the government confiscated people's valuables and denied people of their rights.  Both were done under Democratic Presidents, President Wilson and President Roosevelt.  However, Trump is a Republican, but he is also a progressive like Wilson and Roosevelt and will say anything to win.  Remember he taps into anger and fear, hence his moratorium on Muslims coming into the country.  But how far will that go?  If he gives in more to people's fears (or simply tries to keep them as supporters by doing so) then there is no law, let alone president to prevent the internment camps from happening again.  He already is vengeful and lashes out at reporters who mock or disagree with him (or just plain challenge him), so he is an angry prideful man himself which makes him weak as a potential president.  Basically he is a ticking time bomb in my opinion.

Final word:  I will continue to review and present information on Trump in future issues, but I will do my utmost to ensure I write them from an objective standpoint.  Please understand, as a libertarian, anyone who seeks power is potentially a dictator waiting to happen, so I am cautious even if I agree with their policies or not (I agree with a select number of Trumps policy ideas).  Anyway, I write this to let you readers know I am concerned about this wannabe commander in chief.  Be cautious my readers, for we will always get the leader we deserve.

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