Thursday, December 17, 2015

See Something Say Something

Ok this is the last post of the week (minus the quote post tomorrow), but it is important as an unnumbered.  After the shootings in California by another set of homegrown terrorists, we seem to have forgotten what "see something say something" is about.  There were reports of people seeing suspicious activity at terrorist couple's shooter's home, but people did not want to say anything because they did not want to be seen as racially profiling or as being perceived as being racist.  Issue is that no matter what, if you see anyone doing anything suspicious you will be racially profiling for a person with a white tee shirt and sweats can be literally anyone.  

We have created a society of fear by perpetuating the idea that if you say anything people will call you an islamophobe, or worse.  Now being called that can lead to total social isolation and even job loss.  This is because people call people racist too easily and people are overly sensitive on all sides.  So now, when a legitimate potential threat is sighted we cannot say a single thing out of fear.   As such I counter with the fact that maybe we need to use anonymous tip lines more.  You do not say your name or anything, just say what you saw.  It makes sense right?  Sure if it is a false alarm it can potentially make the person being looked into uncomfortable (assuming they know they are being looked into to).  But the potential to save a life like in the San Bernardino Shooting, or the Fort Hood shooting, or other terror attack makes that slight uncomfortableness reasonable and necessary.  Sure, we want to mind our own business, but that does not apply when it comes to people's safety.  

Final Word:  Say something, I beg you.  Do it anonymously if you are scared, but say something as you can potentially save a life. 

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