Monday, December 8, 2014

Issue 478 Diversity: Ideas December 8 2014

We spoke on diversity of color last week, and I your author came to the conclusion it really does not matter so long as it happens naturally in nature.  But there is a very important form of diversity that we all need to embrace, and that is the diversity of ideas.  Let us discuss.

Ideas are important:  Diversity of ideas is the diversity of thought.  It allows us to view things from multiple perspectives and thus enable us to achieve better results with respect to thought, action or deeds.  And thus, a lack of thought/idea diversity means a stagnant society.  Why you may ask?  Why embrace all these different thoughts and ideas when they can cause conflict, arguments, and anger?  Simple, if we do not have idea diversity, then that means we have groupthink.  People become malleable and simple minded.  They stop thinking for themselves, and thus rely on society as a whole to make decisions for them.  We lose the individual and independent actions as well.  In short, no thought diversity means society itself becomes a bunch of drones without creativity, reason, or innovation.  So diversity of thought is essential to things like innovation in medicine, television, and even government.  For instance, democracy was not created in a vacuum.  It was created in Athens where only men were allowed to vote.  But the founders of America dared to innovate and progress the concept further to improve democracy as a government to shape what we call today a republic.  Are you getting the picture?  No idea diversity means we become a nation of slaves.

Conclusion:  I write this because sometimes I feel we are becoming drones.  That we prefer for people to think and act for us rather than we ourselves.  And that frightens me.  So I write this to raise awareness of diversity of thought.  I hope that you will try to listen to all points of view and make your own judgments based on what you think is write, and not what others think is right for you.

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