Friday, December 12, 2014

Issue 482 Obama's Secret Correspondence December 12, 2014

President Obama has made a secret correspondence with the country of Iran a few weeks ago.  Now that the tensions and stupidity have died down, I feel safe enough to actually comment on this and if someone wants to, have a conversation without someone turning into a hot head.  So let me begin.

The non-controversial part:  The fact that the president had a secret correspondence was never the issue.  In fact, historically, Presidents had that right since President George Washington.  These letters are useful in making alliances, and even bringing about better relations with other countries as a whole.  They are also integral to ending wars as well.  So President Obama I have no problem with you in this respect.

The Controversial part:  What people took umbrage to was the fact that President Obama was communicating with the country of Iran.  For those who do not know, Iran is a known terrorist training ground for certain Islamic terrorist groups like Hezbollah, and even Hamas (who attack America's ally Israel).  Additionally, they have sworn to wipe the State of Israel off the face of the earth if given the chance.  Then you have things of less grand a scale, such as the suppression of women's rights, imprisonment and possible torture of political dissidents, harboring of terrorists, public executions, and a few other things that are clearly violations of the basic moral compass and what it means to be country representing freedom and democracy.  

In the correspondence, President Obama invites Iran to join the fight against ISIS/ISIL and that America will give them support to do so.  Of course Iran is very interested in helping as ISIS/ISIL are Sunni Muslims who are killing Shiite Muslims in other countries (Iran is a Shiite Muslim country).  As such Iran wants to fight ISIS/ISIL to protect their Shiite brethren. Now this is where things get dicey.  We already would be helping a country that most likely wants to see America die, and is essentially our antithesis, but this gives Iran a foothold in Iraq where Shiite Muslims live.  Reason this is bad is for two reasons.  The first reason is that it allows them to get their oil pipeline from Russia, through Iran, into Shiite controlled Iraq, and then into Syria (another Shiite majority country that is considered a puppet state of Iran) and then into Europe.  Thus, allowing Iran's economy to grow and giving them the money and logistics they need to build up their war machine.  The other bad part is that it gives Iran a pathway to send their forces safely into Syria, via the Shiite controlled southern part of Iraq.  So they can re-establish Assad as the president of Syria (a government that is considered a totalitarian dictatorship) or annex Syria as part of Iran along with the southern region of Iraq under the right of protection idea so as to protect ethnic Shiite Muslims.  As Syria borders Israel (the southern part of Iraq does also) it allows Iran send its forces directly into Israel to wage all-out war once the conflict with ISIS/ISIL is over.  Either way, Iran becoming involved is a lose lose situation.

Conclusion:  We have ourselves a quandary.  We help Iran get into the war with ISIS/ISIL, but it means sacrificing the safety and security in the Middle East in the near future.  Or we send our own forces in and do the job for the Middle East so as to prevent the worst case scenario from happening.  This is not a very easy decision and to let Iran in means America will be playing a very dangerous chess game with Israel possibly being sacrificed.  So what happens next depends on the President, and the decisions of the other world leaders involved in the Middle Eastern conflict.

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