Friday, December 19, 2014

Issue 487 My personal beliefs: Abortion December 19, 2014

Ok, this is the second of the two in this miniseries so that you my readers can get the gist on where I come from on certain issues.  In this case I will tackle the controversial issue of abortion.  So let us begin.

What I know about abortion:  For one, the fetus inside the womb is a baby.  We all know that if nothing goes wrong, that the fertilized egg will develop into a fully formed baby.  The reason why abortion is allowed only in the first two to three months (with certain exceptions) is because according to science, the brain is not fully formed.  Thus, the developing infant is not considered sentient yet.  

Aside from the biological aspect, the majority of abortions do not occur with first time mothers, but from moms who do not want a second child.  In addition, people are much more educated on abortion than other alternatives such as adoption which has some black marks of its own due to foster care scandals which override the facts that adoption is just as viable an alternative.  I also understand that abortion clinics is a for-profit industry, and thus subject to the same corruptions as any business or corporation (hence why I believe it should only be able to be performed in a hospital via a specialist).  

As to the burdens the mother may carry.  The moms may be impoverished, or they may be a victim of rape.  But there are also circumstances like the woman's life being in danger, and family pressures.  So the woman faces a lot when making this decision.  But it is also true that if a woman was to lose the baby due to someone assaulting her in a criminal act then the criminal would be charged with murder in most States for the death of the unborn infant.  So the situation on abortion is somewhat hypocritical.

What I believe:  I personally am against abortion.  I do not like the idea of it, but at the same time I cannot stop it from happening.  It is not a woman's right to be able to have an abortion because they are taking the life of a child, but they do have the right to privacy when it comes to the procedure being done via a doctor.  Thus, this debate on abortion is kind of circular.  If it came to me (if I was a women) then I would not get an abortion.  But if I got a women pregnant and she wanted an abortion, I would be on my hands and knees begging her to have the baby and then turn custody of the baby over to me once born.  And even in that situation, I know that I could do nothing really to stop her.  I do not know what I would do in the case of a women being pregnant and her life being in danger because of it, and I pray that I never find out.  Over all, I am pro-life, but I know that the only thing I can do is express my own beliefs and hope that the country continues to move forward toward a more pro-life direction (about 57% of the country is pro-life and supposedly growing in numbers).

Conclusion:  So this is what I know and what I believe on abortion.  If you notice that whenever I mention the unborn child I make reference to the child being a baby.  This demonstrates my values and belief in the fact that life begins at conception.  I hope you enjoyed this article and my being honest with you.

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