Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Issue 479 Political ads on entertainment networks December 9, 2014

So we have political advertisements being routinely shown on entertainment networks like comedy central, and sports programs.  But have you ever wondered why they do that?  Well it is fairly simple, so let us begin.

Why the ads:  The reason is because the people who do not usually pay attention to politics watch those networks.  Basically, these people are the ones who usually do not look at the news unless it is something they particularly want to hear about.  And even then, they may just google it to get their answer.  So this is a method to do two things.  The first is to bring more people to the voting booth, which I am sure you would agree is a very good thing.  However the second reason may negate this.  The second reason is because these individuals are typically malleable.  People who prefer entertainment networks are not usually well informed, and thus easy to manipulate with respect to various kinds of advertisements.  They are subject to emotional arguments, over actual hard facts and history.  And unfortunately, they don't normally even know their own Congressional representative, the Vice President, or even what the President actually can and can't do.  This is why ads are put on these networks.  They think you're stupid.

Conclusion:  This can be both good and bad, but this is because the opposing Republican Party is really dumb and does not advertise on a majority of entertainment networks or programming save for things like golf.  As such, the Democrats as a party have a near universal monopoly on these less informed voters (some of whom have yet to even register to vote).  So it is my hope that aside from people actually going out and becoming more informed about politics, that the diversity of thought changes by Republicans actually advertising on these networks so that these voters can get both sides on a particular issue.  Basically it come down to diversity of ideas yet again.

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