Thursday, October 8, 2015

Issue 695 Rioters and welfare October 8, 2015

So this past year, America has experienced a number of riots based primarily on race issues.  While some may claim this is free speech, it is not because rioting includes destruction of public and private property and potentially assault on regular people and officers of the law.  As such, what is a good incentive to keep these protests and other future ones from occurring?  In this case it is the denial of all forms of government assistance.  Let us discuss.

No Welfare for you:  Basically, if a person is caught rioting, or looting while on welfare (may include assault as well), they will be denied all forms of government assistance for life. This means that they will not get food stamps, or even potentially social security depending if it goes beyond the State level.  No Medicare or Medicaid either.  Basically, they will be completely on their own for the remainder of their lives for being so foolish.

The businesses they caused to suffer however, would still be suffering from losses.  As such, all the benefits of the welfare the rioter would have received would be converted to cash and given to the businesses damaged during the riots.  This would end only when the businesses have received all the money equivalent to their estimated losses. 

We are not evil however.  For one, any welfare for their children for going to schools, medicine and the like will not be denied.  So only the parents will be punished, not their kids.  Likewise, food pantries, and free clinics will still be useable by these individuals so that they may take care of themselves with regard to food and medicine.  So they will be inconvenienced despite being denied all other benefits.  Also, if they do not riot in future riots and show they are on good behavior by not committing any other crimes, once the businesses are done being paid back, they will be able to receive welfare again.  

Conclusion:  Good incentive for the poor who are on welfare not to riot at the very least, however, those not already on some form of government assistance may find a rude awakening if they lose their job for rioting or criminal acts as they will be denied unemployment.  But if they do not lose their job denying those not already on welfare the ability to use any form of tax breaks could serve as an additional incentive for these individuals not to riot.  Obviously as stated above, children's welfare will not be affected, and people can be forgiven once their debt to the businesses they helped destroy are repaid.  It makes a lot of sense, and can quell the violence at least in riots which may hopefully turn them into peaceful protests.

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