Monday, October 19, 2015

Issue 702 Are we responsible? October 19, 2015

When we vote for our representatives and our President, are we responsible for sending our soldiers off to war?  That is the question I ask in today's issue.

I think we are:  We the voters get enamored with our politicians, and we like only our representatives because they give us stuff.  But then they send our soldiers off to war in foreign lands.  It was the politicians that chose to send our troops into Vietnam, Iraq in Gulf War one and then again in Gulf War two to finally be rid of Saddam.  However, that left us going to fight in Iraq longer and the war spreading with us conducting strategic strikes in other countries like Yemen, and Libya amongst others.  In those conflicts we sent our soldiers into harm's way because we elected representatives and Presidents that were willing to send men and women in uniform into battle.   Yes, the soldiers are proud to serve and they are honorable warriors and heroes.  But when they get killed in action and they leave families behind, it is our fault.  We had no need to fight in Iraq and now we got ISIS/ISIL and other terrorist groups to fight as a result.  It was us who elected these scummy politicians who willingly send our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, and sons and daughters off to war to a fight we did not start.  It was us who let these representatives send them off to war.

Conclusion:  The thing about representatives is that they represent us and we chose them.  Thus, to a degree it is our fault.  We chose them and then they send us to war.  As such, we should always keep this in mind when we elect our officials, for what they do is a reflection of things we want.  What results is also partly our fault.  The blood is on our hands too.

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