Thursday, October 29, 2015

Issue 710 Population control 101 October 29, 2015

So what are the reasons people want population control and what methods are available to carry out such a task. That is what I will be discussing today.

Reasons for population control:  There are a few reasons for population control.  One of the first is due to natural resources.  A country or a planet has a certain amount of resources that are accessible to a population at any given time due to technology.  Governments are faced with the issue of insuring their populations remain small enough so that they do not outgrow the resources available or else famines, and starvation can occur (this is also a reason for conducting war).  This same reasoning is applied to things like climate change with us humans being the cause.  That if there were less of us, the climate would not be so messed up.  Basically it is all about preserving resources or the environment.  However, the other reason may be to get rid of undesirables.  In this case people of various races, ethnicities, religions, etc. may be subject to population control measures due to discrimination.

Methods:  Methods abound, the simplest one is immigration.  By not letting certain peoples into a country where they may thrive, it is possible to keep them in an unhealthy environment and thus limit how long they will live out their lives.  Or at the very least not strain the country's resources. Marriage and breeding laws.  It is possible to breed out certain segments of the population by promoting ideas of racial purity or similar, or even forcing people to get permission to have children.  Sterilization and government enforced contraceptives are another method.  It actually has been talked about in the U.S. to introduce a sterilizing agent into the water supply by radical environmentalists.  Abortion is another with respect to those who do not have permission to have children, or the advocating of pregnancy as a disease which Margaret Sanger once did as a means to eliminate Black Americans in her plan for voluntary genocide.  Even selective breeding and arranged marriages can be used as another means.  Of course execution/murder is yet another method where the most obvious targets would be criminals, or small minority groups like the mentally disabled (people who again drain resources or are undesirable).  Even willful neglect of the sick or infirm are potential methods. All methods work, but a careful propaganda campaign will be needed to make it all socially palatable.

Conclusion:  Obviously I do not believe in population control.  Not even a little bit as I would rather the inevitable famine and starvation than committing the act of murder.  However people really do advocate and do these things.  China being one of them with their one child policy (now experimenting with two children) and their forced sterilization of women and execution of criminals.  Hitler of course did the racial purity garbage, and he unfortunately was not alone as he got the ideas from Americans who believed in the Eugenics movement.  So why am I telling you about this?  Simple, in order to never allow this to occur again, you must be given all the knowledge of how atrocities are carried out.  You must see humanity's ugliness to prevent us all from becoming a menace.

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