Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Issue 698 War Room Prayer October 13, 2015

After watching scenes for the new movie "War Room" about how prayer can save people, I began to wonder why it was called war room.  Here is what I gleaned.  

What is a War Room:  With respect to war room, it is not a situation room in the White House or your own personal battle plans to kick serious butt.  Instead it is a room that you can shut yourself in and have your own personal and private discussions with God, study the Bible and apply that prayer and Bible study to issues in your own life.  Basically, when you are suffering, this room is a place to both escape and a place to find strength through God via prayer.   Does this work?  Well it depends on the person.  Some need solitude to solve issues and relying on God and prayer can indeed help people.  You can even post specific prayers and bible passages that apply to a given short term or long term stressful situation on the walls as it is meant to be your own personal space.  War rooms can take the form of a small room or even a closet.  Basically anywhere in the home or out of the home where you can have a private commune with God.  Though there are certain prayers and passages to would be appropriate to aid in situations and thus useful to you if you should decide to create and use your own war room, I am no expert.  My prayers typically are simply asking for strength to get through it and come out a stronger person or at the very least survive the stress or sorrow intact.  But there are guidebooks including those based on the movie which can aid you in finding which prayers to apply to each situation or hurdle in your everyday life.  Basically Prayer can be a powerful weapon in your arsenal.

Conclusion:  Do you need a War Room?  I sometimes did and thus used my room for that purpose when needed.  Others may need that relationship with God to be intimate all the time just to get through the day every day. Or simply because that is their faith and that a war room suits their prayer methods. Can an atheist use a war room?  Yes, but it is really designed around prayer.  So unless they are spiritual or have some other version of a deity that is not a deity, it will have issues working (unless they find some way to pray).  So all I can say is that if a war room is what you need, then go for it.  A little prayer when you need it most never hurt anyone.

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