Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Issue 704 Trump's Immigration plan: part 2 October 21, 2015

Yippy, day two...of Trump.  Well let us see what part two of my critique has in store.

National E-Verify:  An accepted idea.  In this case, all people in the United States before they are hired will be checked to see if they are citizens or not.  Basically, this insures only people here legally and of course actual U.S. citizens (or legal residents) may be hired.  So more jobs for the 40% of Black teens, and 30% of Hispanic teens who are citizens but do not have jobs (his numbers, but how he got them, I am not sure).

Return of all Criminal aliens:  Basically, if the illegal has committed a crime in the United States like theft, rape and/or murder, they will be deported back to their home countries.  If the foreign government does not accept their citizens back, then the United States will suspend all visas for all of that country's legal residents in the United States and send them all back home.  While the enforcement mechanism is great, the idea is a little bit wacky.  Reason being is that these illegals who committed the crime will be sent home after a trial to be put in jail in their home countries.  Now, keywords here, "jail in their home countries".  Um, do we really think that the home country wants a citizen back who committed rape, or murder before they have done time. Do we really think they will honor another country's court system and place their citizen in jail?  Now if they served their time with hard labor and then were deported back, then I would say this would work.

Separate Offence:  Something I do not agree with, Trump wants to make it a separate and additional crime to commit an offence while here in the country illegally.  Last I checked, it was already a crime to cross the border illegally.  Also, theft is theft, murder is murder.  We do not need justice losing its blindfolds simply because the perpetrator is here illegally.  

End catch and release:  Trump also wants to make it so that if you are caught crossing here illegally, then you are detained and then deported.  No more releasing them.  This is in reaction to the almost 76,000 illegals who were released into the United States population and told to come back on a specific court date.  Of course, the majority never came in for their court dates.  While this makes sense, it will not work well for the people already here that already disappeared into the population.  Also, these people will be detained for long periods of time if done wrong.  At most currently 250,000 are deported each year out of the 11 million illegals here (source Fox News).  This is because they are hard to find in a country of 300 million people.  Also, Trump wants to be rid of all the illegals as he has stated in earlier statements.  But as the Supreme Court has ruled previously, all the illegals (individually) are entitled to a hearing for asylum or other purposes.  All those court cases, assuming the border is secure, would take 40 years and thus lots of money.  Hence why we either need a new Supreme Court ruling or we need to spend a lot of extra money to make a huge amount of courts to oversee each individual hearing at once.

Conclusion:  I will not say I disagree with the overall ideas that Trump and his team presents here.  However, some just do not seem practical.  As such, National E-verify and an alteration to catch and release where hearings are done almost immediately upon arrest for the new illegals coming in would work with respect to future illegals coming into the country.

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