Thursday, October 22, 2015

Issue 705 Trump Immigration Plan: Part 3 October 22, 2015

Trump is not the most likable guy, but whoever is advising him is giving him some good ideas for the most part.  So let us continue on with some more of "his" plan.

Cutting Funding:  You have heard the term sanctuary cities.  These cities refuse to turn over illegal migrants to authorities and even go as far as providing benefits and government services to those who come to the United States without permission.  As a punishment, Trump would deny all federal aid to any city that violates the law in this way.  This would to a degree work initially, but as cities should not be getting money from the federal government in the first place and these sanctuary cities get used to doing things with less money, this method will be less effective over time.

Overstaying Visas:  Some illegals actually have come to the United States legally and have gotten a document allowing them to stay called a visa.  However, these visas expire and some either forget or refuse to leave.  Trump wants to have these people brought up on criminal penalties for overstaying.  If local police find such individuals, Trump would have them hold the individuals in question until ICE authorities arrive to take custody of them.  However, in my opinion the only part that is truly usable is the ability for authorities to hold people who have overstayed their visas, and even other illegal migrants for that matter.  Trump also wants to add a visa tracking system as well, but how that would work confuses me.  Save for having a NSA like entity spy on these individuals, I do not see how it will work.

Cooperating with Law Enforcement:  A number of illegals, at least the dangerous kind, are part of gangs like MS-13 and La Familia.  As such, Trump wants ICE to be able to work directly with anti-gang task forces on conducting raids against violent street gangs.  My question is, why are they not already doing this?  And how far does this cooperation go?  Are ICE agents going in with gang task force members on raids, or are they merely part of the process to deport gang members who are found to be here illegally?  I don't know why, but my feeling is that this should have and could be happening already.  Additionally, the FBI used to fight organized crime like gangs, so ICE as another federal police force should have an anti-gang intelligence section already or at least access to FBI intelligence documents.  If not, then they really are lacking and thus a complete reform of the federal police agencies may be needed over simply having ICE work with local police.

Conclusion:  These ideas while smart, fall short once you think about it a little.  As such, I need something better than this to help us solve the immigration problem.  The visa over stayers need to be treated better in my opinion as we let them in.  They were invited and people given visas are given the opportunity to stay and even become a citizen.  So something better needs to be done here.  The cutting funding to sanctuary cities is something I agree with, but for all cities as we should not give money out to anyone so long as there is a national debt to pay off.  As to cooperating with law enforcement.  Why are they not doing this already? That has me concerned, but I am going to give law enforcement the benefit of the doubt here.  Any case see you tomorrow for part 4.

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