Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Issue 703 Trump's Immigration plan: part 1 October 20, 2015

I do not want Donald Trump to be President, but he makes great press because of his mouth.  As such, I am going to dissect and critique his immigration plan.  It will be seven parts, so that is seven days of Trump.  May it begin!

The Wall:  Trump wants to build the wall between Mexico and the United States.  Something that can potentially work if it resembles the Berlin wall.  This means a double wall/fence with patrols going in-between the two barriers.  Basically it is designed to make it very hard to cross the border by slowing the illegal entrants down long enough for a patrol show up to make an arrest.  However, he wants Mexico to pay for it.  Short of annexing Mexico, the only thing that Trump could do if he became President would be to kick Mexico out of the North American Free Trade Agreement and thus tax goods coming in from Mexico.  Trump did not say we would partner with Mexico, so this change in the status quo for trade relations and thus would create economic issues.

More ICE officers:  ICE officers are the men and women who handle illegal migrants that make it through the border.  However, according to Trump's stats, there are only 5,000 such officers that have to deal with well over eleven million illegal migrants.  Trump wants to use money that comes from tax cheats and others who have defrauded the government to pay for their expansion.  Those people who are considered "defrauders" are illegals who obtained tax identification numbers and claimed tax credits (this is apparently legal to do in the United States).  As such, no more tax credits would go to illegal migrants who were allowed to stay in the United States.   This we all can agree with as with respect to increasing law enforcement and ending tax credits.

Conclusion:  These two parts of his plan are the least controversial.  And thus are supportable by most Americans on both sides of the political aisle.  The only real issue here though is who is going to pay for the wall, and I think it is us the tax payers.

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