Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Issue 709 False Freedom Advocate October 28, 2015

A false freedom advocate is a person(s) who preach about giving and preserving people's freedoms, while at the same time taking them away when it suits their purposes.  Let us discuss.

False Freedom Advocate:  I have met and heard from a number of people who claimed to be lovers of freedom.  They have labeled themselves as liberals, conservatives, democrats and republicans.  All, however were hypocrites.  For example, I was discussing zoning laws with two real estate sellers at the Manhattan Institute. They complained about a man in Texas who built his house out of cans and bottles of beer, thus lowering the property values in the area including the ones that these real estate people wanted to sell.  As such, they wanted to use eminent domain to have the government seize the house and kick the man and his beer house off the property.  I disagreed for it was the man's property and thus his right to live on that property as he chose.  Their reaction was a look filled with disgust, and walked away.  Meanwhile, the event I was at was an event to hear conservative ideas as the Manhattan Institute is a conservative think tank.  So how can you let two people in who go counter to conservative values like that?  My answer came later when a guest speaker from the Security and Exchange commission was talking about his time working for the federal government.  He described how the commission punished a business who decided to stop producing napalm (an incendiary weapon used in war) during the Vietnam War.  The company chose to stop making it for reasons I do not know, and it was there choice, but the government did not like that.  The crowd with me listening to this were not aghast at the punishment, but to the fact that a business could be unpatriotic to stop making a weapon of war that also messed with the economy a little.  That is when I knew that self-interest and patriotic idealism ran that think tank.  Thus why they are a false freedom advocate.

Then there are those who claim to be liberal.  We heard it all before with them wanting to protect us and stop poverty.  They want to provide universal medicine. But do any of their policies actually work?  No.  If they truly wanted to help the poor they would have embraced true economic freedom via the elimination of trade boundaries between States, and the lowering of taxes or making taxes fair by not punishing those who make a little more.  They would use economics to spur businesses to grow which increases jobs rather than dependency.  Sure, not all of them are being a false freedom advocate as they really believe in what they are saying, but if you do not embrace economic freedom, then how do you expect me to have true social freedom?  Ah, that's right, it is not true social freedom they preach.  If you violate their rules such as smoking, or you are pro-life, you are shut down.  Isolated by idealists who value the collective over the individual.  Both sides know that poverty will always exist, and that progressive income taxes only incentives the people to make less so that they are not taxed more.  All that is ignored for their version of the greater good.  Their idealism.

Conclusion:  The world is full of advocates who think they know what is right.  They can all claim that they want to help, and that they only want to maximize your freedom.  However, save the obviously wrongful acts like Murder, assault, rape, and theft, should there be any laws? Do we need all that government who can take our rights away when it suits them?  Do we need people in government that seek to help but only make more laws that restrict our freedoms?  The answer is no.  Government was never meant to be used as a tool to remove people from their homes, to punish them for their successes.  It was meant to be applied to sponsor trade, and protect us from invasion.  It protects us from the obviously wrongful acts and acts as a neutral arbitrator in the form of a court of law.  It is meant to do so few jobs, yet people's selfishness made it grandiose.  We made it big and shoved freedom down the toilet.  Sorry, but if you think government should do something for you, then you may be a hypocrite.  A false freedom advocate.

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